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Please follow the alphabetical links below to each acronym on file.


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


S-MPPT supermolecular M�ller-Plesset perturbation theory
SA (1) sudden approximation (2) statistical approximation
SA-CAS-SCF state-averaged-complete active space-SCF
SA-LCAO symmetry-adapted linear combination of atomic orbitals
SA-MCSCF state averaged multiconfiguration self-consistent field (wave function) (see also ICF-CI)
SAAO symmetry-adapted atomic orbital
SAAP spin adapted antisymmetrized product (in MC-SCF theory)
SAC symmetry-adapted cluster (expansion method for calcg. wave functions) - H. Nakatsuji and K. Hirao, J. Chem. Phys., 68, 2035 (1978)
SAC-CI symmetry-adapted cluster configuration interaction (theory for wave-function expansion) - H. Nakatsuji, Chem. Phys. Lett. 59, 362 (1978); 67, 329 (1979); 67, 334 (1979)
SACF symmetry-adapted configuration function
SACM statistical adiabatic channel model - J. Troe, J. Chem. Phys., 79, 6017 (1983)
SADPT symmetry-adapted double perturbation theory
SADVR symmetry-adapted discrete variable representation (in molecular wave function calcn. for nuclear motion on a given PES)
SAF symmetry adapted function (in CI calcns.)
SAG semiclassical adiabatic ground
SAI (1) simplified ab initio method (2) spline-fitted ab initio (potential energy surface) (3) strongly anisotropic interaction
SAIM scaled atoms-in-molecules
SALCCSD spin-adapted linear coupled-cluster (with) single and double (excitations)
SAM1 semi-empirical ab initio method - version 1 - M. J. S. Dewar, C. Jie, G. Yu, Tetrahedron, 23, 5003 (1993)
SAMO simulated ab initio molecular orbital
SANO symmetry-adapted natural orbital
SAO symmetric atomic orbital
SAPS spherical average pseudopotential
SAPT symmetry adapted perturbation theory – eg. I.G. Kaplan, Intermolecular Interactions, (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987)
SAPW symmetrized augmented plane wave
SAR (1) sequential adiabatic reduction (2) structure-activity relationship
SAW self-avoiding walk - eg. D.M. Hirst, A Computational Approach to Chemistry (Blackwells Scientific, Oxford, 1990), p. 419
SBA second Born approximation
SBCPA single-bond coherent potential approximation
SBE semiconductor Bloch equations - H. Haug and S. W. Koch, Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors, Worls Scientific, Singapore, 1990
SBMF slave-boson mean field (in electronic-structure calcns.)
SBMO subjacent molecular orbital
SC strong collision (assumption in unimolecular reaction rate theory)
SC-FLAPW self-consistent full-potential linearized-augmented-plane-wave
SC-GCM self-consistent generator coordinate method
SC-MBPT single-configuration many-body perturbation theory
SC-MEH-MO self-consistent-modified extended H�ckel-mo
SC-RPA single-channel random phase approximation
SC-SCF semiclassical self-consistent field
SC-SEA single-channel static-exchange approximation
SC-SI semiclassical state interaction (method for solving Schr�dinger equation)
SC-VB spin-coupled valence bond
SCA (1) screened Coulomb approximation (in correlation-energy calcns. for autoionizing energy levels of two-electron systems) (2) self-consistent approximation (3) semiclassical approximation (4) semiclassical Coulomb approximation
SCA-QD-MBPT self-consistently adapted (core reference state) quasidegenerate many-body perturbation theory
SCAF self-consistent anisotropic field
SCAP self-consistent average phonon (theory)
SCASA semiclassical approxn. separated atom
SCAUA semiclassical approxn. united atom
SCBA self-consistent Born approximation
SCBC self-consistent basis and configuration
SCBF semiclassical approximation with body-fixed molecular orientation
SCBSA self-consistent boundary-site approxn. (for density-of-states)
SCC (1) self-consistent charge method (2) self-consistent collective coordinate (in reactive collisions) (3) semiclassical coupled-channel (4) superposition of correlated configurations (variational method)
SCC-DVM self-consistent-charge-discrete-variational method
SCCC self-consistent charge and configuration method
SCCEH self-consistent charge extended H�ckel method
SCCF (1) self-consistent continued fraction (2) self-consistent crystal field (method for calcns. on molecular crystals) (3) spin-correlated crystal field
SCCM self-consistent cell model
SCCP strong-coupling correspondence principle
SCCR self-consistent current relaxation (in electronic dynamic structure factor calcns.)
SCCSA self-consistent central-site approxn. (for density-of-states)
SCCT semiclassical complex trajectory
SCDM self-consistent diagrammatic method (in calcn. on electronic excitation transfer)
SCE (1) self-consistent energy (method in atomic and molecular calcns. with an einsteinian relativistic theory (2) semiclassical exchange approximation
SCEKT single configurational extended Koopmans theorem
SCEM self-consistent Eikonal method (in electronic transition calcn.)
SCEP self-consistent electron-pair theory
SCEPM self-consistent empirical pseudopotential method
SCF (1) self consistent field (2) self-consistent field theory - C. C. J. Roothaan, Rev. Mod. Phys. , 23, 69 (1951)
SCF MO self-consistent field molecular orbital
SCF-X(ALPHA)-SW self-consistent field (X-alpha) scattered-wave
SCF-X(ALPHA)-SWCMO self-consistent field-(X-alpha)-scattered wave cluster MO
SCFX-CI excited-state self-consistent field configuration interaction
SCGF self-consistent group function
SCHA self-consistent harmonic approxn.
SCI (1) single excitation configuration interaction (2) super configuration interaction - F. Grein and T.C. Chang, Chem. Phys. Lett., 12, 44 (1971)
SCIA (1) semiclassical impact approxn. (in ionizing atomic and molecular collision calcns.) (2) semiclassical impulse approxn.
SCIBM semiclassical infinite-barrier model
SCLO self-consistent local orbital
SCLR single configuration linear response (theory)
SCM (1) self-consistent multipolar (method in metal cluster calcns.) (2) spherical cellular model
SCMP self-consistent madelung potential
SCMPs spin-corrected M�ller-Plesset nth-order
SCO self-consistent orbital
SCOP spherical complex optical potential (in quantum calcn. on molecular scattering)
SCOPW self-consistent orthogonalized plane wave
SCP-IOS semiclassical perturbation-infinite order sudden (model for reaction dynamics) - W.H. Miller and S.-H. Shi, J. Chem. Phys., 75, 2258 (1981)
SCPA (1) self-consistent phonon approximation (for lattice dynamics of quantum crystals) (2) single-site coherent-potential approximation (for electronic structure calcns.)
SCPF (1) self-consistent perturbation field (2) self-consistent polarization field method
SCPHP self-consistent particle-hole propagator
SCPP self-consistent polarization propagator
SCPT self-consistent-perturbation theory
SCPW symmetrized combination of plane waves
SCRF MO self-consistent reaction field
SCRF self-consistent reaction field - O. Tapia and G. Johannin, J. Chem. Phys., 75, 3624 (1981)
SCROPW self-consistent relativistic orthogonalized-plane-wave
SCRPA self-consistent random phase approximation
SCS semiclassical coupled-states
SCSA small-curvature semiclassical adiabatic (approxn. for molecular energy levels)
SCSF semiclassical approximation with space-fixed molecular orientation
SCSOPW self-consistent symmetrized orthogonalized-plane-wave
SCT small curvature tunnelling (approximation)
SCTB self-consistent tight-binding (in electronic structure)
SD-MBPT single (and) double (substituted states) many-body perturbation theory
SD-POE sigma-dependent pi-orbital electronegativity model
SDCI single and double excitation configuration interaction model
SDCPA site-dependent coherent potential approxn
SDECI singly and doubly excited configuration interaction
SDF spin(-unrestricted) density functional
SDGUGA shape-driven graphical unitary group approach
SDIM scaled diatomics-in-molecules
SDO shielded diatomic orbital
SDQ-MBPT single (and) double (and) quadruple (substituted states) many-body perturbation theory
SDQ-MBPT single-double-quadruple excitation many-body perturbation theory
SDSR-CI single and double excitations from single reference state function-CI method
SDTQ-MBPT single-double-triple-quadruple excitation (contribution) MBPT
SDW spin density wave
SE symmetric Eikonal (approxn. in calcns. on ion scattering)
SEAMO single-excitations-adapted molecular orbital
SEC scaled external correlation (extrapolation method in CI calcn.)
SECH screened exchange plus Coulomb hole method
SECI single excitation configuration interaction
SEE static exact exchange (approxn. in electron-molecule scattering)
SEHF spin-extended Hartree-Fock
SEMPI singly excited modified perturbation theory
SEPT secular equation (with) perturbation theory
SERHF symmetry-equivalenced restricted Hartree-Fock
SESAO semiempirical scaled atomic orbital
SESMO semiempirical scaled molecular orbital
SETB semiempirical tight binding
SETM statistical electron transfer model (for electron-exchange collisions)
SEVB semiempirical valence bond
SEW site electron-density wave
SF CC space-fixed close-coupled (equation, for quantum calculations)
SF-PNM step function perturbative numerical method
SFCCCC space-fixed complex-coordinate coupled-channel method
SGA symmetric group approach
SGF spherical gaussian function
SGFM surface Green function matching (method in calcn. of electronic and phonon properties of crystal surfaces and interfaces)
SGGA symmetric group graphical approach (in CI calcns.)
SGO spherical gaussian orbital
SGTF spherical gaussian-type function
SGVFF simplified general valence force field
SHAKE an algorithm for adjusting atomic positions to satisfy constraint conditions in molecular dynamics - J.P. Ryckaert, G. Ciccotti, and H.J.C. Berendsen, J. Comput. Phys., 23, 327 (1977)
SHC symmetrized hyperspherical coordinates (in quantum calcns. on reactive scattering)
SHM screened hydrogenic model (for electronic structure in plasmas)
SHT surface hopping trajectory (model for molecular scattering)
SI (1) state interaction method (2) Stieltje imaging (method for calcg. wave functions) (3) spherical interaction approximation
SIAM single-impurity Anderson model
SIBFA sum (of) interactions between fragments (computed) ab initio
SIC LDF self-interaction corrected local density functional
SIC self-interaction correction (in exchange-energy calcns.) - R. G. Parr & W. Yang, Density-Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules, (OUP, 1989)
SIC-GX-LSD self-interaction corrected generalized exchange local spin density
SIC-LSD self-interaction correction-local spin density
SIFDT selected ion flow-drift tube
SIFT selected ion flow tube
SIMS secondary ion mass spectroscopy
SINDO (1) scaled intermediate neglect of differential overlap (2) symmetrically orthogonalized intermediate neglect of differential overlap - D. N. Nanda, K. Jug, Theoret. chim. Acta, 57, 95 (1980)
SINDO/F SINDO free of empirical parameters
SIOS semiclassical infinite-order sudden (in rotationally-inelastic scattering calcns.)
SKS Slater-Kohn-Sham
SLAPW (1) superlinearized augmented plane wave (2) surface linearized augmented plane wave
SLBO strictly localized bond orbital
SLE stochastic liouville equation (in quantum statistical mechanics)
SLF Slater-Laguerre (hydrogenic-type wave) function
SLG strictly localized geminal - P. R. Surjan, Phys. Rev. A, 30, 43 (1984)
SLMO (1) strictly localized molecular orbital (2) symmetry-adapted localized orbital (3) symmetry-adapted semilocalized molecular orbital
SLMTO surface linear (combination) of muffin-tin orbitals
SLO strictly localized orbital
SMC Schwinger multichannel (for electron-molecule scattering)
SME static model exchange (approxn. in electron-molmolecule scattering)
SMM spin matrix mapping
SMMO strictly monomer molecular orbital
SMSA soft-core mean spherical approxn
SMSO spinor molecular symmetry orbital
SNO spin natural orbital
SNVE smallest non-vanishing eigenvalue (method)
SO (1) Stieltjes orbitals (for mol. photoionization continua) (2) second order (3) spin-orbit(al)
SO SCF spin-optimized self-consistent field
SO-LAPW spin-orbit (coupling) linearized augmented plane wave
SOBO spin-orbit (coupled) bond orbital
SOC superposition of configurations (wave functions)
SOCI (1) second-order configuration interaction (2) spin-orbit configuration interaction
SOCO second-order correlation orbital
SODW second-order distorted wave (in electron-atom scattering)
SOEH scaled one-electron hamiltonian (in SCF calcns. on molecules)
SOGVB (1) spin optimized generalized valence bond method (2) strongly-orthogonal generalized valence-bond (wave function)
SOLO second-order correlated localized orbital-local origin (method)
SOMBT (1) second-order many-body theory (2) spin-orbital many-body theory
SOMO (1) semioccupied molecular orbital (2) singly occupied molecular orbital
SOP (1) second-order potential (method for positron-atom scattering) (2) semiclassical optical potential
SOPHF spin and orbital polarized Hartree-Fock
SOPPA second-order polarization propagator approxn. (2) surfaces of section method (semiclassical calcn. of eigenvalues)
SP-RPAE spin polarized-random phase approxn. (with) exchange
SPA (1) self-consistent phonon approximation (2) separated pair approxn. (wave function) (3) shielded-potential approxn. (in electronic structure)
SPB strong-potential Born (approxn. for atomic collision calcns.)
SPC simple point charge (potential function) - H.J.C. Berendsen et al., in B. Pullman, ed., Intermolecular Forces (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1981)
SPC/E extended simple point charge (potential function) - H.J.C. Berendsen, J.R. Grigera, and T.P. Straatsma, J. Phys. Chem., 91, 6269 (1987)
SPD small phonon displacement (state) - Ning Lu and S. Mukamel, J. Chem. Phys., 95, 1588 (1991)
SPDM single-particle density matrix
SPEMC-SCF selected paired excitational expansion multiconfiguration-SCF
SPF Simons-Parr-Finlan (potential) - G. Simons, R. G. Parr, and J. M. Finlan, J. Chem. Phys., 59, 3229 (1973)
SPFD Simons-Parr-Finlan-Dunham (interatomic potential)
SPG sequential product (of) geminals
SPHF spin-polarized Hartree-Fock
SPINDO spectroscopic potentials adjusted intermediate neglect of differential overlap
SPL statistical power-gap law (in rotational energy transfer: also called PGL) - T.A. Brunner, N. Smith, A.W. Karp, and D.E. Pritchard, J. Chem. Phys., 74, 3324 (1981)
SPMC stationary phase Monte-Carlo
SPPA self-consistent polarization propagator approximation
SPUMPn single-annihilation procedure unrestricted M�ller-Plesset nth-order
SPW symmetrized plane wave
SQCC semiclassical quantization (by) circuit counting
SQF second-quantized formulation (in many-body quantum theory)
SQM scaled quantum mechanical (vibrational force field) (in ab initio calcns.)
SQRD square root Darwin term (correction to T and V operator)
SRA sudden rotation approximation
SRAPW scalar relativistic augmented plane wave
SRASE symmetry restricted annihilation of single excitations
SRCC single-reference coupled-cluster
SRCCSDT single-reference coupled-cluster (with) single (and) double (and) triple (excitations)
SRCI single reference configuration interaction
SRH spin-adapted reduced hamiltonian
SRMCASE symmetry-restricted multiconfiguration annihilation of single excitations method
SROS spin-restricted open shell
SRS symmetrized Rayleigh-Schr�dinger (perturbation theory)
SS split-shell (gaussian basis set)
SSA (quasi-) steady-state approximation (in kinetics) - eg. T. Tur�nyi, A.S. Tomlin, and M.J. Pilling, J. Phys. Chem., 97, 163 (1993)
SSB semiclassical sudden Born (approxn. in ion-atom collisions)
SSCP static screened Coulomb potential
SSCPA single-site coherent-potential approximation
SSDW static-static distorted-wave (approximation for reactive scattering calculations) - J.N.L. Connor, in The Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamics, edited by D.C. Clary, (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1986), p. 247
SSGF self-consistent surface Green function
SSH (1) Schwartz-Slawsky-Herzfeld (2) Su-Schieffer-Heeger (model hamiltonian for electronic-structure calcns.)
SSHF spin-symmetrized Hartree-Fock (wave function)
SSM semiclassical spectral method
SSQM supersymmetric quantum mechanics
SSTL Singwi Sjolander Tosi Land (interatomic potential)
ST statistical theory (for calculation of reaction rate coefficients): see CVT, mVTST, RRKM, TST, VTST
ST4CCD coupled cluster (with) double (substitutions and) single (and) triple (substitutions incorporated via) fourth-order (perturbation theory)
STA single-transition approximation
STB semiempirical tight binding
STBF Slater-type basis function
STCA simplified traveling-cluster approxn. (for electronic structure)
STF Slater-type function
STHF single-term Hartree-Fock
STIRAP stimulated raman adiabatic passage
STLS Singwi-Tosi-land-Sjolander (generalized random-phase approxn. for effective pair potentials of liq. metals)
STM space-translation method (in atomic collision calcn.)
STMCTDHF spin-tensor multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree-Fock
STO Slater type orbital - J. C. Slater, Phys. Rev. , 36, 57 (1930)
STO(nG) a combination of n Gaussian functions to approximate a Slater type orbital - W. J. Hehre, L. Radom, P. v. R. Schleyer, and J. A. Pople, Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Theory (Wiley-Interscience), 1986, Chapt. 4.
STODI Slater-type orbital-point dipole interaction (in mol. polarizability calcns.)
STP Slater-transform-preuss (wave functions)
STS Slater transition state (for calcg. electronic transitions of atoms and molecules)
SUHF spin-unrestricted-Hartree-Fock
SUMP spin-constrained unrestricted M�ller-Plesset
SUSYQM supersymmetric quantum mechanics
SVD single-valued decomposition
SVE selected valence electron model
SVESS selected valence-electron split-shell method (mo)
SVP schwinger variational principle
SW X(ALPHA) scattered wave (chi-alpha)
SWKB supersymmetric wentzel-kramers-brillouin (quantum method)
SWM statistical wave function model (for highly excited vibrational levels of mols.)
SWVP scattered wave variational principle
SXNO singly excited natural orbital


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


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Page last modified 27 May, 1999.
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