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Please follow the alphabetical links below to each acronym on file.


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


G1 gaussian-one (theory for calculating molecular energies)
G2 gaussian-two (an ab initio MO theory for molecular energies calcn.)
GA Glauber approximation (in electron-atom scattering)
GAEP generalized atomic effective potential
GAGP generalized antisymmetrized geminal power (wave function)
GAMESS a computer program for solving the electronic Schr�dinger equation - M.W. Schmidt, J.A. Boatz, K.K. Baldridge, S. Koseki, M.S. Gordon, S.T. Elbert, B. Lam, QCPE Bull., 7, 115 (1987); also - M.F. Guest, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, U.K. (1989)
GAUSSIAN a computer program for solving the electronic Schr�dinger equation - J.A. Pople and co-workers, Gaussian Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A
GBA generalized Born approxn
GBS generalized Bohr-Sommerfeld (quantization method)
GBT generalized Brillouin theorem
GC grand canonical (ensemble) (in statistical mechanics)
GCA generator coordinate approxn.
GCHF generator coordinate Hartree-Fock
GCLDA gradient-corrected local density approximation
GCLSDA gradient-corrected local spin density approximation
GCM generator-coordinate method
GCMC grand canonical Monte-Carlo - M.P. Allen and D.J. Tildesley, Computer Simulations of Liquids (Oxford Science Publications, Oxford, 1990), Chapter 4
GCO general coupling operator (in calcns. of vector coupling for atoms and ions)
GDF generalized density-functional (theory)
GDIM generalized diatomics-in-molecules (theory)
GDO generalized diatomic orbital
GDT generalized dilatation transformation (method in study of stationarity principle for atomic and molecular resonance states)
GDWB generalized distorted-wave Born (approxn. or theory)
GEA gradient-expansion approxn. (in exchange-energy calcns.)
GEASIC gradient-expansion approxn. self-interaction correction (functional, in total-energy calcns. for atoms)
GEH generalized effective hamiltonian
GEKT generalized extended Koopmans theorem
GFEMO generalized free electron molecular orbital
GFF Green function formalism
GFHF Galitskii-Feynman-Hartree-Fock
GFMC Green function Monte-Carlo (quantum method)
GFMT Green function muffin tin (method in electronic structure study)
GFPE generalized Fokker-Planck equation D.A. McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics (Harper and Row, New York, 1976)
GFQMC Green function quantum Monte-Carlo
GGA generalized gradient approxn.
GGC generalized gradient-corrected (density-functional)
GGWD generalized gaussian wave-packet dynamics
GGWPD generalized gaussian wave-packet dynamics
GHF (1) generalized Hartree-Fock method (2) generalized Hellmann-Feynman (theorem)
GHL generalized Heitler-London
GHO generalized hybrid orbital (AO)
GHW-HF Griffin-Hill-Wheeler-Hartree-Fock
GI many electron wave functions that are simultaneously eigen-functions of the total spin projection operators and satisfy the Pauli principle
GIAO (1) gauge independent atomic orbitals - R. Ditchfield, Molec. Phys., 27, 789 (1974) (2) gauge-including atomic orbital (3) gauge invariant atomic orbital
GIOS generalized infinite order sudden
GIPM ground state inversion potential method (in photoionization cross sections calcn.)
GIPM/D ground state inversion potential method including diffraction
GIPQ gauge-invariant periodic quantization
GKS Gaspar-Kohn-Sham (potential for exchange and correlation in band structure calcns.)
GLAO generalized localized AO
GLE generalized Langevin equation - D.A. McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics (Harper and Row, New York, 1976)
GLF gaussian lobe function
GLJ generalized Lennard-Jones (potential)
GLO gaussian lobe orbital
GMC Gibbs Monte-Carlo (method for direct simulation of fliud phase equilbria) - A.Z.S. Panagiotopoulos A.J. and M. Alderton, Mol. Phys., 61, 813 (1987)
GMD grand canonical molecular dynamics.
GME generalized master equation (in quantum statistical mechanics)
GMO (1) generalized molecular orbital (2) group molecular orbital
GMP generalized M�ller-Plesset (perturbation theory)
GMP2 generalized M�ller-Plesset second-order (perturbation theory)
GNLSE generalized nonlinear Schr�dinger equation
GNMP generalized nonlocal model potential
GNO geminal natural orbital
GNVP generalized Newton variational principle
GO (1) gaussian overlap (approxn. in molecular calcns.) (2) generalized overlap
GOCE gaussian overlap potential with constant well depth
GOE gaussian orthogonal ensemble (of random matrices in quantum chaoticity study in atomic and nuclear energy levels)
GOPW gaussian orthogonalized plane wave
GOS generalized oscillator strength
GO-SCF gaussian orbital self-consistent field
GPEF generalized potential energy function
GPF gaussian polarization function
GPM generalized perturbation method (in electronic theory of phase stability of alloys)
GPS generalized phase shift formalism
GPT generalized pseudopotential theory
GPUCHF geometric perturbed uncoupled Hartree-Fock method
GQDPT generalized quasidegenerate perturbation theory
GRHF generalized restricted Hartree-Fock
GRINDOL ghost (and) Rydberg INDO
GROMOS a computer program for simulation of macromolecules - W.F. van Gunsteren, H.J.C. Berensden, Univerisity of Groningen, The Netherlands.
GRPA generalized random-phase approximation
GRVB generalized resonating valence bond
GRWA generalized rotating-wave approxn. (in energy level calcns.)
GS Gelius-Siegbahn (MO approxn.)
GSA (1) generalized sudden approximation (2) generator-state approach (in many-body quantum theory)
GSAC generalized symmetry adapted cluster (theory)
GSBE generalized semiconductor Bloch equations - J. R. Kuklinski and S. Mukamel, Phys. Rev. B 44, 11,253
GSCF generalized self-consistent field
GSCRF generalized self-consistent reaction field
GSLO group symmetric localized orbital.
GSMO ground-state molecular orbital
GSNO ground-state natural orbital
GSO general spin orbital
GSZ Green-Sellin-Zachor model potential (for atoms)
GT (1) general term of the interaction potential (2) Gelfand-Tsetlin basis function
GTDA generalized Tamm-Dancoff approximation
GTF gaussian-type (wave) function
GTG gaussian-type geminal
GTO gaussian-type orbital - W. J. Hehre, L. Radom, P. v. R. Schleyer and J. A. Pople, Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Theory (Wiley-Interscience, 1986), p. 18
GTST generalised transition state theory B.C. Garrett and D.G. Truhlar, J. Phys. Chem., 83, 1052 (1979)
GUE gaussian unitary ensemble (of random matrixes in quantum-transport studies)
GUGA graphical unitary group approach
GVB generalized valence bond - W. J. Hunt, P. J. Hay, and W. A. Goddard, J. Chem. Phys. 57, 738 (1972)
GVB-CI generalized valence bond-configuration interaction (wave function)
GVB-MDSA generalized valence bond-molecular dynamics simulated annealing
GVB-PP generalized valence bond-perfect pairing (wave function)
GVDW generalized van der waals (a free-energy density-functional theory)
GVFF generalized valence force field
GVV generalised Van Vleck nearly degenerate perturbation theory
GVVPT generalised Van Vleck nearly degenerate perturbation theory
GW one-particle Green function(g)-screened Coulomb interaction(w)
GWB Gopinathan-Whitehead-Bogdanovic (Fermi-hole parameters)
GWD gaussian wave packet dynamics
GWF generalized Wannier function
GWHF Griffin-Wheeler-Hartree-Fock
GWP gaussian wave packet
GW-PG gaussian-weighted planar grid (method in calcns. of electron-momentum distributions)
GWPM gaussian wave-packet method
GX generalized exchange


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


The focal point to which to send comments and suggestions is the coordinator of the project:

Chemistry Department, Monash University, Clayton Victoria 3168, Australia
Responses by e-mail would be particularly appreciated, the number being:
[email protected]
another alternative is fax at: +61 3 9905 4597

Page last modified 27 May, 1999.
Copyright � 1997, 98, 99 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

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