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Please follow the alphabetical links below to each acronym on file.


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


E-2PH-TDA extended two-particle-hole Tamm-Dancoff approxn. (Green-function method for ionization-energy calcns.)
EAL-MCDF extended average level-(relativistic) multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock
EAM (1) effective medium approxn. (2) embedded atom method
EAN effective atomic number (also called "18-electron rule") - P.R. Mitchell and R.V. Parish, J. Chem. Educ., 46, 811 (1969)
EB extended basis (set)
EBA (1) Eikonal Born approxn. (2) exponentiated Born approximation
EBD equilibrium brownian dynamics
EBEBO extended bond energy bond order (quantum calcn. method)
EBIR energy based integral retention (in electronic-structure calcns.)
EBK Einstein-Brillouin-Keller (quantization method)- (eg) I.C. Percival, Adv. Chem. Phys., 36, 1 (1977)
EBO equivalent bond orbital
EBOM effective bond-orbital method
EBS (1) Eikonal-Born scattering series method (2) extended basis set
EBSM extended breathing sphere model
EBT extended Brillouin theorem
ECA equivalent core approximation
ECAMSI electron configuration analysis for many-system interactions
ECBM extended classical over-barrier model (in calcns. on inelastic ion-atom colisions)
ECCF (1) equilibrium charge-charge flux (model in IR spectra calcns.) (2) exchange correlated crystal field
ECCM extended coupled-cluster method
ECM (1) embedded cluster method (in electronic-structure calcns.) (2) exchange-charge model
ECOP electron correlation polarization (potential)
ECP (1) effective core potential approxn.(in electronic structure calcn.) (2) exchange core polarization (3) exponential corrugated potential
ECP-CPP effective core potential (augmented by)-core polarization potential
ECPMET extended coupled pair many electron theory
ECPSSR energy-loss Coulomb-repulsion perturbed-stationary-state relativistic
ECRR energy-corrected rigid-rotor approximation
ECS energy-corrected sudden (scaling theory in molecular collisions)
ECS-EP energy-corrected sudden-exponential polynomial (scaling law)
ECS-P energy-corrected sudden-polynomial (scaling law)
ECT ergodic collision theory (for collisional energy transfer) - S. Nordholm, B.C. Freasier, and D.L. Jolly, Chem. Phys., 25, 433 (1977); B.C. Freasier, D.L. Jolly, and S. Nordholm, Chem. Phys., 32, 161 (1978)
ECTFP empty-core Thomas-Fermi pseudopotential
EDC electronic dynamic coordinates
EDEC equal distances equal charges model
EDF energy density functional (theory in electronic-property calcn.)
EDW (1) exchange distorted-wave (2) exponential distorted wave approximation
EDWA exponential distorted-wave approxn. (atom-ion electron-exchange calcns.)
EDWBA exponential distorted wave Born approximation
EEM electronegativity equalization method
EESOP electronegativity equalization with s-orbital participation
EFA envelope function  (i.e.,plane-wave) approxn. (in band- structurecalcn.)
EFG GTO electric field gradient gaussian-type orbital
EFH extended Fenske-Hall (LCAO MO method)
EFP effective fragment potential method
EFV electric-field-variant function (in CI method)
EFVAO electric-field variant atomic orbital
EFV GTO electric-field-variant gaussian-type orbital
EFV STO electric-field-variant Slater-type orbital
EGCI exponentially generated configuration interaction
EGL exponential gap law (in rotational energy transfer) - J.C. Polanyi and K.B. Woodall, J. Chem. Phys., 56, 1563 (1972)
EGM electron gas model
EGO ellipsoidal gaussian orbital
EHB extended Hubbard (hamiltonian)
EHCO extended H�ckel crystal orbital
EHF extended Hartree-Fock
EHM extended Hubbard model (hamiltonian)
EHMO extended H�ckel molecular orbital
EHP electron-hole potential method
EHT extended H�ckel theory
EIA Eikonal impulse approxn. (in ion-atom inelatic collisions)
EICVOM equivalent ionic core virtual orbital model
EIMP energy independent model pseudopotential
EINP energy-independent nonlocal pseudopotential
EIP eigenvalue-independent partitioning (in coupled-cluster calcns.)
EIS Eikonal initial state (in scattering calcns.)
EJS-TST an angular-momentum-conserving variation of EMS-TST - T. D. Sewell, H. W. Schranz, D. L. Thompson, and L. M. Raff, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 8089 (1991)
EJZ-TST EJS-TST restricted to ensembles with J=0.
EK extended Koopmans (method in ionization potential calcns.)
EKB Einstein-Brillouin-Keller (quantization method)
EKT extended Koopmans theorem
ELEPS extended London-Eyring-Polyani-Sato (potential energy surface)
ELF electron localization function
ELMO energy-localized molecular orbital
ELO (1) edge localized orbital (2) equivalent localized orbitals
EMA (1) effective mass approxn. (for impurity energy levels) (2) effective medium approximation
EMAP energy-modified adiabatic phase (matrix method)
EMM effective mass model (used in explaining quantum confinement effects in clusters)
EMOA extended maximum overlap approximation
EMP (1) electrostatic molecular potential (for electronic-structure) (2) empirical pseudopotential method
EMS efficient microcanonical sampling method - E. S. Severin, B. C. Freasier, N. D. Hamer, D. L. Jolly, and S. Nordholm, Chem Phys. Lett. 57, 117 (1978)
EMS-TST efficient microcanonical sampling transition state theory - H.W. Schranz, L.M. Raff, and D.L. Thompson, J. Chem. Phys., 94, 4219 (1991)
EMT (1) effective mass theory (in electronic wave functions calcn.) (2) effective-medium theory (of bonding in metallic systems)
EMTO extended muffin-tin orbital method
EMZDO exchange modified zero differential overlap
ENC effective nuclear charge (model for molecular property calcns.)
EO equivalent orbital
EOM equations of motion method
EOM-CC equation of motion-coupled cluster
EP (1) effective core potential (2) effective potential (approximation) see also UEFF [N. Markovic and S. Nordholm Chem. Phys. 135 109 (1989)]
EPA (1) electron population analysis (2) environment potential approach (in electronic-structure calcn.) (3) extended pair approxn. (in electronic conductivity calcn.)
EPCE effective pair correlation energy method
EPCE-F2(SIGMA) effective pair correlation energy method with the factor-two (F2) approximation for sigma-electron systems
EPEN empirical potential (based on interaction of) electrons (and) nuclei
EPM empirical pseudopotential method
EPT exponential perturbation theory
EPV exclusion-principle violating
ER exchange repulsion (energy)
ERM electron redistribution model
ERMM effective r-matrix model (in reactive electron-molecule scattering)
ERPA extended random phase approximation
ERT effective-range theory (in molecular calcns.)
ES (1) energy sudden (approxn. in scattering calcns.) (2) elastic scattering
ESA energy sudden approxn. (in calcns. on reactive scattering)
ESE exact static-exchange (approxn. in scattering calcns.)
ESEDD excited state electron density differential method
ESE MO essential-structure-elements molecular orbital
ESEP exact static exchange (plus) polarization (potential)
ESF electrostatic force (theory for molecular calcns.)
ESMO excited-state molecular orbital
ESMSV exponential-spline Morse-spline van der Waals (interatomic potential)
ESPT electron spin polarization transfer
ETB extended tight-binding (method for electronic-structure calcns.)
ETBM empirical tight-binding method (in electronic structure calcn.)
ETEAO even-tempered exponential atomic orbital
ETF (1) exponential-type function (an atomic orbital) (2) extended Thomas-Fermi (model)
ETGAO even-tempered gaussian atomic orbital
ETO (1) elliptical-type orbital (2) exponential-type orbital
EVB effective valence bond (hamiltonian)
EWBA Eikonal wave Born approximation
EWIA Eikonal (distorted) wave impulse approxn. (f0r scattering )
EWMO energy weighted maximum overlap method
EXGEM extended geminal (model correlated wave function)
EXGF(1) extended group function(1) (model wave function accounting
EXPL exchange polarization


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


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Chemistry Department, Monash University, Clayton Victoria 3168, Australia
Responses by e-mail would be particularly appreciated, the number being:
[email protected]
another alternative is fax at: +61 3 9905 4597

Page last modified 27 May, 1999.
Copyright � 1997, 98, 99 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

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