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Please follow the alphabetical links below to each acronym on file.


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


L2 square integrable (in mathematics: a class of functions which could be infinite, but whose squared values have finite integrals), (commonly applied to wave functions in electron-atom or -mol. collisions) - H.L. Royden, Real Analysis, 2nd Ed. (MacMillan, New York, 1968)
LACO linearized atomic cell orbital (in energy-band calcn.)
LA(G) least action ground
LAM large amplitude motion
LAOM localized atomic orbital method (in electronic structure calcn.)
LAPW linearized augmented plane wave (for band-structure calcns.)
LASTO linear augmented Slater-type orbital (for electronic structure)
LBF local basis function method (for solid state band structure)
LBO localized Born-Oppenheimer
LBW Lennard-Jones-Brillouin-Wigner
LAM large amplitude motion
LC large curvature (tunnelling approximation)
LCAO linear combination of atomic orbitals
LCAO CO linear combination of atomic orbitals crystal orbital
LCAO LSD linear combination of atomic orbitals-local spin density
LCAS MS linear combination of atomic spinors-molecular spinors
LCBO (1) linear combination of Bloch orbitals (2) linear combination of bonding orbitals
LCCA linearized coupled-cluster approach
LCCD linear coupled-cluster (method with) double (excitations)
LCCM linearized coupled cluster method
LCCO linear combination of cellular orbitals
LCCSD linearized coupled-cluster (theory with) single (and) double (excitations) (in molecular potential calcns.)
LCCW linear combination of configurational wave functions
LCDA MO linear combination of donor-acceptor molecular orbital theory
LCDAO linear combination of distorted atomic orbitals
LCDO linear combination of diatomic orbitals
LCFC linear combination of fragment configuration
LCFFUA linear combination of floating functions of united atom
LCG large curvature ground state
LCGDO linear combination of generalized diatomic orbitals
LCGO (1) linear combination of gaussian orbitals (2) linear combination of group orbitals
LCGTO linear combination of gaussian type orbitals
LCGTO-DF linear combination of gaussian type orbitals-density functional
LCGTO-LDF linear combination of gaussian-type orbitals-local density functional
LCGTO-LSD-VWN linear combination of gaussian type orbitals-local spin density-Vosko-Wilk-Nusair
LCGTO-MCP-LSD linear combination of gaussian-type orbitals-model core potential-local spin density
LCHAO linear combination of hybrid atomic orbitals
LCHOP linear combination (of) harmonic oscillator products
LCI-CNDO limited configuration interaction-complete neglect of differential overlap
LCI-SCSCFMO limited configuration interaction single-configuration SCF MO
LCIF linear combination of interacting forces
LCLO linear combination of localized orbitals
LCM lines of centers model (where only the relative kinetic energy directed along the line of centres is considered important for reaction i.e., orbital angular momentum is factored out)
LCMBPT linked cluster many body perturbation theory
LCMO linear combination of molecular orbitals
LCMTO linear combination of muffin-tin orbitals
LCMVAO linear combination of modified valence atomic orbital
LCOAO linear combination of orthogonal atomic orbitals
LCOPW linear combination of orthogonalized plane waves
LCP local complex potential (in electron-atom scattering)
LCPA local coherent potential approximation
LCPH localized chemical pseudopotential hamiltonian
L-CPMET linearized coupled-pair many-electron theory
LCRA linear combination of Rydberg orbitals
LCSPM linear combination of symmetry-adopted products of Morse wave functions
LCSPM-HO linear combination of symmetry-adapted products of Morse harmonic oscillator (wave functions)
LCTAO linear combination of travelling atomic orbitals
LCVO linear combination of valence orbitals
LDA local density approximation (in electron-configuration calcns.) - R. G. Parr & W. Yang, Density-Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules, (OUP, 1989)
LDF local density functional
LDGUGA loop-driven graphical unitary-group approach (in MC-SCF calcns.)
LDO locked dipole approximation (in calculations of ion-molecule collision rates) - T. Su and M.T. Bowers, in Gas Phase Ion Chemistry, edited by M.T. Bowers, (Academic Press, New York, 1979), Vol. 1, p. 83
LDOS local density of states
LDPO linearly driven parametric oscillator (model in energy transfer calcns. in mol. collisions)
LDQ Linnett double quartet (theory of valency) - J.W. Linnett, The Electronic Structure of Molecules, (Methuen 1964)
LEDO limited expansion of diatomic overlap
LEES local excess-electron state (a molecular-crystal wave function)
LEMAO least energy minimal atomic orbital
LEMO lowest empty molecular orbital (equivalent to LUMO)
LEP local electron pair (model for intra- & intermolecular interactions)
LEPS London, Eyring, Polanyi and Sato (potential-energy surface) (originally for H + H2) - S. Sato, J. Chem. Phys., 23, 592, 2465 (1965)
LEPS+IDI London-Eyring-Polanyi-Sato + ion dipole induced [potential]
LFCC laboratory-frame close-coupling (for electron-molecule scattering)
LFER linear free energy relationships
LFHO linearly forced harmonic oscillator
LFMO ligand field method combined with linear combination of atomic orbitals-molecular orbital method
LGM linearized Green-function method (for electronic-structure)
LHL light-heavy-light (triatomic reaction system where a heavy atom is transfered: LH + L � L + HL)
LHM Longuet-Higgins-Murrell approximation
LHP-RHF Longuet-Higgins-Pople restricted Hartree-Fock method
LHSF local hyperspherical surface functions (in quantum calcns. on reactive scattering)
LI localization index
LJ Lennard-Jones (potential) V = Ar–n + Br–m
LKKR layer Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (in interface electronic structures)
LMO (1) localized molecular orbital (2) localized molecular spin orbital
LMTO linear combination of muffin-tin orbitals (see also LCMTO which is the preferred acronym)
LNDO local neglect of differential overlap
LNO (1) localized natural orbital (2) localized natural spin orbital
LO localized orbital
LOCADB line-of-centers angle - dependent - barrier model
LOCV lowest-order constrained variation
LOGMO lowest occupied gaussian molecular orbital
LOMO lowest occupied molecular orbital
LOPT large-order perturbation theory
LORG localized orbital/local origin - A. E. Hansen andT. D. Bouman, J. Chem. Phys., 82, 5035 (1985)
LOVA lowest-order variational approxn. (for electron-phonon interactions in metals)
LPA (1) linearized propagator approximation (2) local plasma approxn. (in calcns. of stopping powers for ions by films) (3) L�wdin population analysis
LPD large phonon displacement (state) - Ning Lu and S. Mukamel, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 1588 (1991)
LPUMP l-fold (spin) projected unrestricted M�ller-Plesset
LRCI low-rank configuration interaction
LR-SCF low-rank SCF
LSA (1) linear superposition approximation (2) local space approximation
LSD(A) local spin density (approxn.) (in electronic structure calcn.) - V. von Barth and L. Hedin, J. Phys. C, 5, 1629 (1972)
LSDC local spin density correlation (functional)
LSDF local spin density functional
LSD-GX local spin density functional-generalized exchange
LSD-GX-CSEP LSD-GX with correction of statistical exchange potential
LSD-GX-SIC LSD-GX with generalized exchange-self-interaction corrected
LSDSIC local-spin-density self-interaction-correction approxn. (in total energy calcns. for atoms)
LSDX local-spin-density (with exact) exchange
LSDXC local-spin-density-exchange-correlation (for molecular property)
LSDXS local-spin-density (with) screened exchange
LSDXS-SIC local-spin-density (with) screened exchange (and) self-interaction correction
LSTH Liu-Siegbahn-Truhlar-Horowitz (potential-energy surface)
LSW localized spherical wave (in electronic structure calcns.)
LT (1) Landau-Teller (form or plot for temperature dependence of rate constants) (2) Landau-Teller (model for vibrational energy transfer) - J.T. Yardley, Introduction to Molecular Energy Transfer (Academic Press, London, 1980) (3) Landau-Teller (potential for atom+diatom collisions)
LTH linearized time-dependent Hartree (approxn., in calcn. of electronic properties of solids)
LTO Laguerre-type orbital (an AO)
LUC large unit cell semiempirical approxn. (for band structure)
LUCO lowest unoccupied crystal orbital
LUMO lowest unoccupied molecular orbital
LVM-ST least-squares variational method (involving only) square-integrable (test functions) (for wave functions in scattering)
LZ Landau-Zener (model for probability of hopping from one electronic surface to another at an avoided crossing) - eg, H. Eyring, J. Walter and E.W. Kimball, Quantum Chemistry (Wiley, New York, 1944) pp. 326–330


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


The focal point to which to send comments and suggestions is the coordinator of the project:

Chemistry Department, Monash University, Clayton Victoria 3168, Australia
Responses by e-mail would be particularly appreciated, the number being:
[email protected]
another alternative is fax at: +61 3 9905 4597

Page last modified 27 May, 1999.
Copyright � 1997, 98, 99 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

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