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O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


IA impulse approximation
IAM (1) independent atom model (2) internal axis method (in calcns. of rotational excitation in atom-molecule collisions)
IAPA independent asymptotic pair approxn. (in electronic structure)
IBC independent binary collision (theory)
IBMOL a computer program for solving the electronic Schr�dinger equation - A. Veillard, IBM, San Jose, California.
IBS incomplete basis set
IC-ACPF internally contracted (multireference) averaged coupled pair functional
ICBA improved (final-state) Coulomb Born approximation
ICC intraatomic correlation correction
ICDW incommensurate charge density wave
ICF-CI interacting correlated fragment-CI (wave function) (see also SA-MCSCF)
ICSCF internally consistent self-consistent field
ICT impulsive collision theory: see IECT
ICVT improved canonical variational theory
IDAF interacting distributed approximating function (propagator, in study of wave-packet propagation)
IDI ion dipole induced (potential term in potential energy surfaces) see also LEPS-IDI
IECT impulsive ergodic collision theory
IECT impulsive ergodic collision theory (for collisional energy transfer), orgininally called "impulsive collision theory" (ICT) - H.W. Schranz and S. Nordholm, Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 13, 1051 (1981)
IEH intermediate effective hamiltonian
IEHMO iterative extended H�ckel MO
IEHT iterative extended H�ckel theory
IEM independent electron model (for ionization in ion-atom collisions)
IEPA independent electron pair approximation - W. Kutzelnigg in Modern Theoretical Chemistry, Vol. 3, H. F. Schaefer, ed. (Plenum, New York) 1977
IERM intermediate energy r-matrix (theory in scattering calcns.)
IEV independent event (model in ion-atom collisions)
IF DRM inversion-free direct recursion method (for surface electronic structure)
IFOT invariant Fock operator technique
IFPM independent Fermi particle model (in atom-ion impact ionization)
IGAIM individual gauges (for) atoms in molecules
IGF irreducible Green function
IGLO individual gauge for localized orbitals - M. Schindler and W. Kutzelnigg, J. Chem. Phys., 76, 1919 (1982)
IHF inhomogeneous Hartree-Fock
IIP isotropric part of the intermolecular potential
IISCI initial ionic state comfiguration interaction
IMBPT interaction many-body perturbation theory
IMC interacting monomers and clusters model
IME Intermolecular energy
IMO intermolecular mol. orbital
IMOA iterative maximum overlap approximation
IMOM iterative method of maximum overlap
IMP Intermolecular potential energy surface
IMPPT (1) interaction M�ller-Plesset perturbation theory (2) intermolecular M�ller-Plesset perturbation theory
IMPT intermolecular perturbation theory
IMS incomplete model space (in many-body calcns.)
INDO intermediate neglect of differential overlap - J. N. Murrell & A. J. Harget, Semi-empirical Self-consistent-field Molecular Orbital Theory of Molecules, Wiley-Interscience, 1972
INDO/2-AHP INDO/2 average hole potential
INDO/2-HP INDO/2 hole potential
INDO/C INDO conformation
INDO/CS INDO conformation spectra
INDO/RZ intermediate neglect of differential overlap/Ridley-Zerner
INDO/S (1) INDO spectroscopic approxn. (2) intermediate neglect of differential overlap screened approxn.
INDO/SP intermediate neglect of differential overlap/spin polarization
INO iterative natural orbital
IOC-OMEGA inclusion of overlap charges in omega technique
IODS identical orbitals for different spins
IOS infinite order sudden approximation (method for reactive scattering) - G.C. Schatz, in The Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamics, edited by D.C. Clary, (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1986), p. 1
IOSA infinite order sudden approxn. (for mol. scattering calcns.) (see IOS) - G. A. Parker and R. T Pack, J. Chem. Phys. 68, 1585 (1978); G.C. Schatz, in The Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamics, edited by D.C. Clary, (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1986), p. 1
IOS-BS infinite order sudden-breathing sphere
IOS-1'-SAIP infinite-order sudden approximation for strongly anisotropic interactions with l=l'=1final
IOS-1-SAIP infinite-order sudden approximation for strongly anisotropic interactions with l=1initial
IOS-PSI infinite-order sudden approximation for point-contact-like interactions
IOS-SAIP infinite-order sudden approximation for strongly anisotropic interaction
IOSRR infinite order sudden rigid-rotor approximation
IOSVR infinite order sudden vib-rotor approximation
IP (1) impact parameter approximation - D.R. Bates, Atomic and Molecular Collision Processes (Academic Press, 1962)
IPA (1) independent-pair approximation (2) independent-particle approximation (in quantum calcns. on solids) (3) inverted perturbation approach (in mol. potential-energy curves calcn.)
IPM (1) independent particle model (2) impact parameter method for separating translational from the internal motions - D.R. Bates, Atomic and Molecular Collision Processes (Academic Press, 1962)
IPNO independent-pair natural orbital
IPNSO independent-pair natural spin orbital
IPPA independent pair-potential approximation
IPPP inner projections (of the) polarization propagator (in calcns. on nuclear spin coupling)
IPPP iterative Pariser-Parr-Pople method
IPWO interface plane wave orbitals
IQG independent quasigeminals
IR (1) isolated resonance (2) irreducible representation (in symmetry or group theory) (3) infrared
IRC intrinsic reaction coordinate (calcn. method) - B.C. Garrett, M.J. Redmon, R. Steckler, D.G. Truhlar, K. Baldridge, D. Bartol, M.W. Schmidt, and M.S. Gordon, J. Phys. Chem., 92, 1476 (1988)
IRC(S) intrinsic reaction coordinate (on separatrix)
IRDO intermediate retention of differential overlap
ISCI initial-state configuration interaction
ISC-PEM-MO iterative self-consistent partition of energy method and MO formalism
ISCRF inhomogeneous self-consistent reaction field theory
ISE iterative secular equation (method for solving the Schr�dinger equation)
ISM (1) interaction site model (in statistical mechanics of fluids) (2) intersecting spheres model (for electronic-structure calcns.)
(3) inverse scattering method
IDTHO improved time-dependent harmonic oscillator
ITFITS improvement to forced oscillator, impulsive transfer semiclassical
ITFW improved Thomas-Fermi-Weizaecker (model)
ITP inner turning point (a criterion for determining between direct collisions and complex-forming collisions in classical molecular dynamics simulations)
ITPOT improved two-parameter omega technique
IUAM independent united atom model (in positron scattering by mols.)
IUCHF improved uncoupled Hartree Fock
IVAP intimate valence alternation pairs (bonding model in electronic structure calcns.)
IVM internal vibronic mechanism (for intermolecular energy transfer)
IVO improved virtual orbital
IWOP integration within (an ordered product of) operators
IVR intramolecular vibrational relaxation
IVTST interpolated variational transitional state theory - A. Gonzalez-Lafont, T.N. Truong, and D.G. Truhlar, J. Chem. Phys., 95, 8875 (1991)


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


The focal point to which to send comments and suggestions is the coordinator of the project:

Chemistry Department, Monash University, Clayton Victoria 3168, Australia
Responses by e-mail would be particularly appreciated, the number being:
[email protected]
another alternative is fax at: +61 3 9905 4597

Page last modified 27 May, 1999.
Copyright � 1997, 98, 99 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

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