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Please follow the alphabetical links below to each acronym on file.


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


CAB (1) combination of atomic boxes (MO method) (2) core and bond (molecular partitioning method)
CADPAC a computer program for solving the electronic Schr�dinger equation - Amos et al., University of Cambridge
CADW converged-adiabatic distorted-wave (quantum calcn. method)
CAFEGE classically approximated free-electron-gas exchange
CAHF configuration-averaged Hartree-Fock
CAM complex angular momentum (for rotationally inelastic scattering)
CAMM cumulative atomic multipole moment (for mol. charge distributions)
CAOPM configuration-averaged optimized-potential model
CAS complete active space - B. O. Roos, P. R. Taylor, and P. E. M. Siegbahn, Chem. Phys. 48, 157 (1980)
CAS-CI complete active space-configuration interaction
CAS-GEN computer assisted structure generation - J. Sadowski and J. Gasteiger, Chem. Rev., 93, 2567 (1993)
CAS-MC-SCF complete active space-multiconfiguration-SCF - see CAS, MC-SCF, SCF
CASPT complete active space-perturbation theory
CASPT2 a perturbation method based on complete active space with second-order perturbation theory - K. Andersson, P.-A. Malmqvist, and B. O. Roos, J. Chem. Phys. 96, 1218 (1992)
CASSCF complete active space self-consistent field theory (a version of multiconfiguration self-consistent field theory for solution of the electronic Schr�dinger equation - see CAS, SCF) - B.O. Roos, Int. J. Quantum Chem. Symposium 14, 175 (1980)
CASSCF-CCI complete active space self-consistent field-contracted CI
CAS-SI complete active space-state interaction
CASV-MC-SCF complete active space valence space-multiconfiguration-SCF
CAUGA Clifford algebra unitary group approach
CB Coulomb-Born
CB1 corrected first Born (perturbation theory in atom-ion collisions)
CB2 second-order Coulomb Born
CBe Coulomb-Bethe (for electron-ion scattering)
CBE Coulomb-Born-exchange
CBEA constrained binary encounter approximation
CBF correlated basis function
CBLM cluster-Bethe-lattice method (for electronic-structure calcns. on crystals)
CBO (1) corrected Born-Oppenheimer (in calcns. for mol. complexes) (2) Coulomb Born Oppenheimer (3) crude Born-Oppenheimer (wave functions)
CBOA crude Born-Oppenheimer approximation
CBOX Coulomb-Born with no exchange
CBS complete basis set
CBS-FCI complete basis set-full configuration interaction
CBS-QCI complete basis set-quadratic configuration interaction
CBX Coulomb-Born approxn. with exchange
CC (1) close coupling method (for atom-molecule collisions) (2) coupled channel (method for reactive scattering) - G.C. Schatz, in The Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamics, edited by D.C. Clary, (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1986), p. 1 (3) coupled-cluster (quantum calcn. method)
CCA (1) channel coupling array (quantum theory for atoms and molecules) (2) close-coupling approximation (3) coupled-cluster approach (4) crystalline cluster approach (in electronic structure calcns.)
CCAM charge-conserving approxn. method (for quantum calcns.)
CCBA coupled-channel Born approxn.
CCC (1) convergent close coupling (2) correlated coupled cluster (quantum calcn. method)
CCCC complex-coordinate coupled-channel (method in calcns. on rotational and vibrational predissociation)
CCCI correlation-consistent CI
CCCLC complex-coordinate coupled-Landau-channel (method in calcns. on autoionizing resonances)
CCD coupled-cluster method with double excitation
CCDPPA coupled-cluster with double excitation polarization propagator
CC-DQMC clamped-coordinate diffusion quantum Monte-Carlo
CCDW (1) commensurate charge-density wave (2) coupled-channel distorted-wave (quantum method for reactive scattering) - G.C. Schatz, in The Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamics, edited by D.C. Clary, (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1986), p. 1; J.N.L. Connor, ibid., p. 247
CCDZP correlation-consistent double-zeta (plus) polarization (basis set)
CCF correlation crystal field
CCFO charge-charge flux overlap (model in molecular-property calcns.)
CCFOM charge-charge flux-overlap modified(model in ir spectra calcn.)
CCGF coupled cluster Green function
CCGM Cabrera-Celli-Goodman-Manson (atomic scattering theory)
CCI (1) complete configuration interaction (2) contracted configuration interaction
CC-LRT coupled-cluster(-based) linear response theory
CCM (1) complex coordinate method (in calcns. on quantum tunneling) (2) coupled-cluster method (for energy level calculations)
(3) cyclic cluster model (in CNDO for deep levels in solids)
CCMC coupled-cluster method with multiconfiguration reference state
CCMC-T2 coupled-cluster multiconfigurational (double-excitation method with cluster operator approximated by T2)
CCI (1) complete configuration interaction (2) contracted configuration interaction
CC-LRT coupled-cluster(-based) linear response theory
CCM (1) complex coordinate method (in calcns. on quantum tunneling) (2) coupled-cluster method (for energy level calculations) (3) cyclic cluster model (in CNDO for deep levels in solids)
CCMC coupled-cluster method with multiconfiguration reference state
CCMC-T2 coupled-cluster multiconfigurational (double-excitation method with cluster operator approximated by T2)
CCMET coupled-cluster many-electron theory
CCMGA core-corrected modified Glauber approxn. (for scattering)
CCO coupled-channel-optical (potential, for electron-atom scattering)
CCOM coupled channel optical method
CCPA (1) cellular coherent-potential approximation (for electronic structure calcns.) (2) cluster coherent-potential approximation (for electronic structure calcns.) (3) constant centrifugal potential approximation
CCPE charge core potential energy method (for conformational analysis)
CCPPA coupled-cluster polarization-propagator approxn.
CC-PV(D,T,Q)Z correlation-consistent polarized (double, triple, or quadruple)-split valence basis set
CCR (1) close-coupled representation (2) complex coordinate rotation (method for calcns. of resonances in scattering)
CCRM coupled-channel reactance matrix (in atom surface scattering)
CCS (1) classical centrifugal sudden (approximation) - T. Mulloney and G. C. Schatz, Chem. Phys. 45, 213 (1980) (2) corrected coupled-states (method for mol.-scattering calcns.)
CCSC charge and configuration self-consistency
CCSD coupled cluster method with single and double replacements - G. D. Purvis and R. J. Bartlett, J. Chem. Phys. 76, 1910 (1982)
CCSDPPA coupled-cluster polarization-propagator approxn. with single and double excitations
CCSDT coupled cluster with single, double, and triple replacement
CCSDT-1 linearized CCSDT
CCSOP close-coupling second-order potential (in scattering)
CCST complex coordinate scattering theory
CCTM coupled-channel transition matrix (in atom-surface scattering)
CCW charge current wave (type of Hartree-Fock wave function)
CCWP close-coupling wave-packet (for molecular scattering)
CCWP-J close coupling wave packet [in total angular momentum] j [representation] (for collision calcns.)
CD (1) centrifugal decoupling approximation (for atom-mol.scattering) (2) Coulomb dipole (in electron-atom impact ionization calcns.)
CDAF continuous distributed approximating function
CDD charge-density distortion
CDEDW centrifugally-decoupled exponential distorted wave
CDFT chemical-density-functional theory
CDOE charge-dependent orbital exponent theory
CDP contracted density product (in simplification of MO calcns.)
CDPT constant denominator perturbation theory
CDW (1) charge density wave (2) continuum-distorted-wave approximation (3) Coulomb distorted wave (for scattering calcns.)
CDWA continuum distorted-wave approxn. (for scattering calcns.)
CDW-EIS continuum distorted wave-Eikonal initial state (in collisions)
CE (1) correlation energy. (2) configuration energy - L. C.Allen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 1514 (1992)
CEM corrected effective medium (for atomic interactions)
CEPA coupled electron pair approximation
CEPA-2V coupled-electron-pair approxn. (with) variational (method)
CEPA-SD coupled-electron-pair approxn. (with) single (and) double excitations
CEPA-VAR coupled-electron-pair approxn.-variational
CEPM coupled electron pair method
CEQ collinear exact quantum (method in reactive-scattering calcn.)
CEQB collinear exact quantum (with adiabatic) bending (energy) (method for reactive scattering)
CET collisional energy transfer
CETO cartesian exponential type orbital
CFF consistent force field
CFF-SCF-PI-CI consistent force field-scf-pi-configuration interaction
CFHH correlation-function hyperspherical harmonic (method for calcn. of wave functions)
CFM (1) central field model (2) charge-fluctuation model (3) continued-fraction method
CFO crystal field orbital
CFP coefficient of fractional parentage (method in quantum calcns.)
CFSO crystal field surface orbital
CGF Coulomb Green function
CGO configuration generating orbital (a type of MO)
CGTF cartesian gaussian-type function
CGTO (1) cartesian gaussian-type orbital (2) combination of gaussian type orbitals (3) contracted gaussian-type orbital
CHA chemical hamiltonian approach - I. Mayer, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 23, 341 (1983)
CHA/CE chemical hamiltonian approach with conventional energy
CHARMM a computer program for calculating macromolecular energy and structure - B. R. Brooks, R. E. Bruccoleri, B. D. Olafson, D. J. States, S. Swaminathan, and M. Karplus, J. Comp. Chem. 4, 187 (1081)
CH-CI core hole configuration interaction
CHELEQ charge electronegativity equalization
CHF (1) Coulomb Hartree-Fock (2) coupled Hartree-Fock
CHFEP coreless Hartree-Fock effective potential
CHFPT coupled Hartree-Fock perturbation theory
CHF-PT-EB coupled Hartree-Fock-perturbation theory-extended basis
CHIRP core-hole initiated relaxation process (in ionic crystals)
CHMO constrained Hartree-Fock orbitals
CHO complex harmonic oscillator (in mol. scattering theory)
CHW coherent hole wave (quantum excitations in solids)
CI configuration interaction - E. A. Hylleraas, Z. Physik 48, 469 (1928)
CIBS corrections to an incomplete basis set (a perturbation theory)
CIC configuration interaction (in the) continuum (theory in calcns. of atomic resonances)
CID (1)configuration interaction with double substitution (2) configuration interaction with doubly excited configurations (3) collision-induced dissociation - R.D. Levine and R.B. Bernstein, Molecular Reaction Dynamics and Chemical Reactivity (Oxford University Press, New York, 1987)
CIDEP chemically induced dynamic electron polarization
CIHT configuration-interaction Hylleraas-type (wave function)
CI-HY configuration interaction-Hylleraas
CIMI configuration interaction from molecular integrals
CINDO closed shell intermediate neglect of overlap method
CINDORU (1) cluster INDO restricted-unrestricted (2) unified cluster INDO
CINO configuration interaction natural orbital
CIOS (1) classical infinite order sudden (in atom-molecule reaction calcns.) (2) complex infinite order sudden (approxn. in quantum calcns.) (3) corrected infinite-order sudden (approxn in molecular collisions)
CIOSA classical infinite-order sudden approxn.
CIP configuration interaction with partner orbitals
CIPSI configuration interaction perturbing a multiconfigurational zeroth-order wave function selected iteratively
CIPSO configuration interaction (with) perturbation (including) spin-orbit coupling
CIS configuration interaction with single replacements
CISA continuum intermediate-state approxn. (for scattering)
CISC configuration interaction (with) size-consistency (correction)
CISD configuration interaction with single and double excitation
CISDQ configuration interaction with single, double, and quadruple excitations
CISDTQ configuration interaction with single, double, triple and quadruple excitations
CI-TD-HG configuration interaction time-dependent Hartree grid
CIVB configuration interaction valence bond
CLOPPA contribution from localized molecular orbitals with polarization propagator approach
CM (1) configuration mixing (2) center of mass
CMC coupled multiconfiguration
CMC-SCF complete multiconfiguration self-consistent field
CMO canonical molecular orbital
CMO complex molecular orbital method
CMR-CI contracted multireference configuration interaction
CMS complete model space (in many-body calcns.)
CMSM continuum multiple-scattering model
CMX connected-moments expansion
CMX(2) second-order connected moments expansion (method for calcg. correlation energies of molecules)
CNDO complete neglect of differential overlap - a computer program for obtaining semiempirical solutions to the electronic Schr�dinger equation - J. N. Murrell & A. J. Harget, Semi-empirical Self-consistent-field Molecular Orbital Theory of Molecules, Wiley-Interscience, 1972
CNDO LHP complete neglect of differential overlap Longet-Higgins-Pople
CNDO SP complete neglect of differential overlap spin polarization
CNDO/2-FA complete neglect of differential overlap first approxn.
CNDO/2-FPP complete neglect of differential overlap with finite perturbation and polarization
CNDO/2-V(N-1) complete neglect of differential overlap-potential method
CNDO/2D complete neglect of differential overlap with deorthogonalization
CNDO/2-U universal CNDO/2 (extended to full periodic table)
CNDO/B complete neglect of differential overlap / Boyd
CNDO/BW complete neglect of differential overlap with Boyd and Whitehead parametrization
CNDO/F complete neglect of differential overlap/force
CNDO/FK complete neglect of differential overlap/ Fischer-Kollmar
CNDO/IP complete neglect of differential overlap/ionization potential
CNDO/M CNDO Mataga approxn
CNDO/OPTIC a CI method for electronic transition moments of the optical transition of large molecules based on CNDO/s parametrization
CNDO/S complete neglect of differential overlap/spectroscopic
CNDO/SW complete neglect of differential overlap / Sichel-Whitehead
CNDO/SWW complete neglect of differential overlap/ Sichel-Whitehead-Wratten parametrization
CNDOL(CNDO-l) complete neglect of differential overlap-azimutal quantum number (of valence ao's)
CNO canonical natural orbital
CNP complete nuclear permutation (group, a set of symmetry operations describing the nuclear coordinates) - A.J. Karas, R.G. Gilbert, and M.A. Collins, Chem. Phys. Lett., 193, 181 (1992)
CNPI complete nuclear permutation and inversion (group, a set of symmetry operations describing the nuclear coordinates) - A.J. Karas, R.G. Gilbert, and M.A. Collins, Chem. Phys. Lett., 193, 181 (1992)
CO crystal orbital
COCP cut-off Coulomb potential
COHSEX Coulomb-hole (plus) screened-exchange (approxn. in band-structure calcns.)
CONDO crystal orbital neglect of differential overlap
COPW complete orthogonalized plane wave
COSCI complete open shell configuration interaction
CP chemical pseudopotential
CP coupled pair (many-electron theory)
CPA (1) coherent potential approximation - Ning Lu and S. Mukamel, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 1588 (1991) (2) coupled-pair approximation
CPBA Coulomb-projected Born approximation
CPBE Coulomb-projected Born approxn. with exchange
CPCC complex-potential close-coupling
CPCCSD coupled-perturbed coupled-cluster (with) single (and) double excitation
CPDAM cumulative potential-derived atomic multipole (calcn. method)
CPDWB Coulomb-projected distorted-wave Born
CPE Coulomb wave-plane wave (description with) effective screening
CPF (1) coupled-pair formalism (2) coupled-pair functional (CI method with energy functional)
CPFD coupled-pair functional with double excitation
CPHF coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock
CPIA Coulomb peaking impulse approxn. (in electron-exchange collision calcns.)
CPMCHF coupled perturbed multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock
CPMC-SCF coupled perturbed multiconfigurational SCF
CPMET coupled pair many electron theory
CPP (1) charge-perturbation-polarizability (2) core polarization potential
CPSS Coulomb-repulsion perturbed stationary state
CPSSR Coulomb-repulsion perturbed stationary state with relativistic effects
CPST classical perturbation scattering theory
CPT (1) cluster perturbation theory (2) Coulomb wave-plane wave (description with) truncated (treatment) (3) classical perturbation theory
CRC coupled-reaction-channels (quantum calcn. method)
CRF core/core repulsion function
CRHF complex-restricted Hartree-Fock
CRIOSA classical reactive infinite order sudden approxn.
CRPA correlated random phase approxn.
CRS coordinate-representation sudden (decoupling method for mol. inelastic collisions)
CS (1) centrifugal sudden (approximation) - D.C. Clary, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 41, 61 (1990) (2) configuration space (in wave functions) (3) coupled-states (approximation) - D. J. Kouri in Atom-Molecule Collision Theory, edited by R. B. Bernstein (Plenum, New York, 1976), pp. 301-385
CS INDO conformation spectra INDO
CSA (1) centrifugal sudden approxn. (in scattering calcns.) - D.C. Clary, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 41, 61 (1990) (2) charge sensitivity analysis (3) coupled states approxn. (4) coupled static approxn. (in scattering calcns.) (5) coupled-subshell approxn. (in calcns. on inner-shell ionization in collisions)
CSCBS charge-self-consistent band-structure (method)
CSCF (1) canonical self-consistent field (2) complex self-consistent field
CSD correlated single determinant (wave function)
CSDA continuous-slowing-down approximation (in electron scattering)
CSDW centrifugal sudden (or coupled states) distorted wave (method for reactive scattering calculations) - J.N.L. Connor, in The Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamics, edited by D.C. Clary, (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1986), p. 247
CSEM coherent self-energy method
CSE correction (with the) statistical exchange potential
CSF configuration spin function (a wave function)
CSF configuration state function (part of CI wave function)
CSFGH complex-scaling Fourier-grid hamiltonian
CSGT continuous set (of) gauge transformations
CSH centrifugal sudden hyperspherical (coordinate reactive scattering code)
CSM complex scaling method
CSOV constrained space orbital variation (in molecular bonding calcn.)
CSPI coherent state path integration
CSRR coupled-state rigid-rotor
CSSA composition-space superposition approxn. (in density-functional theory of mixtures)
CSWP centrifugal sudden [or coupled states] wave packet method
CT (1) classical trajectory (2) charge transfer (3) collision theory (bimolecular reactions)
CTA classical trajectory approximation (in molecular-collision calcns.)
CTCF collisional time correlation function (in quantum calcns. on molecular inelastic collisions)
CTF common translation factor (for ion-atom inelastic collisions)
CTIOSA charge-transfer infinite order sudden approxn.
CTMC classical trajectory Monte-Carlo (in ion-atom electron-exchange)
CTPGF closed time path Green function (in many-body theory)
CVA-MO core-valence approxn.-mo (for at. integral calcns.)
CVBM conduction-valence-band model (in electronic structure calcns.)
CVM cluster variation method (in calcns. on semiconductors)
CVM-CI constrained variational method-CI
CVMO cluster valence molecular orbital
CVO canonical virtual orbital
CVPT canonical van Vleck perturbation theory
CVSEH correlated valence shell effective hamiltonian
CVT canonical variational (transition state) theory - D. G Truhlar, W. L. Hase, and J. T. Hynes, J. Phys. Chem. 87, 2644 (1983)
c VT same as CVT
CVTST canonical variational transition state theory - D. G Truhlar, W. L. Hase, and J. T. Hynes, J. Phys. Chem. 87, 2644 (1983)
cVTST same as CVTST
CWBA Coulomb-wave Born approximation
CWTM compound Weaire-Thorpe model (in electronic-structure calcns.)


O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c 2


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Chemistry Department, Monash University, Clayton Victoria 3168, Australia
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[email protected]
another alternative is fax at: +61 3 9905 4597

Page last modified 27 May, 1999.
Copyright � 1997, 98, 99 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

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