R12 Atmospheric corrosion

Aim: To show how atmospheric corrosion occurs and which redox half-reactions are responsible for it

Corrosion has posed a problem for centuries and is evident in the home, garden, transport vehicles (from bicycles to cars), shipping, industry and underground piping. The consequences of corrosion are all too familiar, parts have to be replaced, customers become dissatisfied and there are other adverse financial consequences. 1/8th of the annual UK production of steel is needed to replace iron lost through rusting.

Combating of corrosion often requires expensive surface treatment e.g. painting, galvanisation, tinning etc., which often is associated with products which themselves cause serious contamination of land, water and air.

Rusting of iron.

Corrosion is a widespread problem which can be explained in terms of redox reactions as represented on illustration R12. The top right-hand side shows an iron surface which is in contact with water containing a little dissolved oxygen.
All the necessary reagents are present to form a corrosion cell. (This is a simple electrochemical cell in which corrosion occurs.) The etched out corrosion cell depicted has an anodic area, a cathodic area, a suitable transport medium for electrons (the metal itself) and an aqueous solution through which ions can move. The following electrochemical half-reactions are important when considering how the anodic and cathodic areas are formed:

From the above -values it can be deduced that Fe, the metal surface, is the anode. The top of the water droplet is in contact with the oxygen in the air and so the concentration of oxygen is greater here than in the water droplet itself. This region of higher concentration is the main cathodic zone. The Nernst equation (R8) shows that the oxidising potential increases with an increase in oxygen partial pressure.


  In the absence of kinetic obstacles the redox reaction can be predicted to be one which is self-sustaining.

The iron(II) ions which are formed in the water come into contact with the rapidly diffusing hydroxide ions and react to form insoluble iron(II) hydroxide. This is in turn oxidised by the air to iron(III) oxide.

The cathode or cathodic zone is more than just the iron metal. Iron together with the oxides FeO, Fe2O3, and hydroxides Fe(OH)2 and Fe(OH)3 forms the complex cathodic surface which is called rust.
Constant diffusion takes place between the anodic and cathodic areas and, because the cathode receives its oxygen supply from the air, this type of corrosion is called atmospheric corrosion.

A few characteristics of the rusting process are:

• The presence of salt in the water leading to a greater

degree of corrosion, because it is ionic and when
dissolved in water its ions encourage the transport of
ions already within the system.

Corrosion only continuing if the rust which is formed
conducts electrons. For iron this is the case but if the    iron is incorporated into a steel alloy e.g. stainless
steel ( 18% Cr, and 8% Ni ) then an insulating layer
of CrO2 forms on the surface of the iron and if a
rusting process starts it stops almost immediately due    to lack of electron transport.

Presence of an acid results in H+ ions from the acid
reacting with the hydroxide ions produced during
corrosion to form water. This will result in the
formation of more hydroxide ions and more corrosion.

Corrosion at the junction of copper and iron

When two metals, one of which is iron, are joined together it is important that corrosion of the iron is prevented. At the bottom left-hand side of R12 a copper bolt has been used to join two iron plates. Copper metal has a much lower reducing power than iron. The redox couples to be considered are:

The values of
are very similar. In non-standard situations the order can even be reversed and the oxidizing and reducing power lost. Copper corrodes very little but is an excellent conductor of electrons. It therefore provides an excellent cathodic surface in the presence of iron ,thus increasing the corrosion of the iron. The copper bolt still exists after the two iron plates have corroded away!