R04 Table of electronegativity

Aim: To highlight the electronegativity of the elements in the description of redox reactions in general and of the oxidation number in particular

The above-mentioned cases concern metals and monoatomic metal ions among which an electron transfer took place. In these cases, a complete exchange of electrons is evident.
A great deal of electron transfer reactions, however, concern uncharged covalent molecules and/or multiatom ions. In the reaction which takes place in a gas cooker, methane reacts with dioxygen, both covalent molecules. The reaction products CO2 and H2O also belong to the group of exclusively covalent substances. Such combustion reactions can essentially be reduced to a transfer of electrons between atoms as well.
This is easy to prove by letting both elements slowly react in a galvanic cell, in this case a fuel cell. This cell actually produces electricity (electrical energy) from chemical conversions (chemical energy).

Oxidation number

In order to be able to describe such reactions as electron transfer reactions as well, we have to follow accounting rules. Only then can chemists agree on the gain-loss balances of electrons during a chemical conversion.
The cornerstone of this electron accounting is the socalled oxidation number, which is assigned to a specific atom in a specific particle (ion or molecule):

the oxidation number (O.N.) of an individual atom in a specific particle is the electrical charge in electron charge units actually carried by this atom, as an ion in an ionic bond, or assigned to this atom by representing all covalent bonds as ionic bonds.

Oxidation numbers are assigned to atoms of a molecular structural formula showing all valence electrons, on the basis of the following rules: all binding electrons in a covalent bond are entirely displaced to the most electronegative partner (see R4). In the case of equal electronegative partners, the binding electrons are equally distributed. The amount of electrical charge (not in coulomb, but in electron charge units) assigned to the atom is that obtained by the atom's group number less the number of valency electrons remaining on this atom.
Since "the oxidation number of an atom" does not necessarily correspond with a real ionic charge, such an O.N. is indicated by a Roman figure (instead of an Arabic figure) preceded by + or - (instead of followed by the charge symbol). Referring to the O.N. of an atom (in an ion or in a neutral molecule) one will therefore say, for instance, +II (plus two) and not 2+ (two plus).
This means that the difference between O.N. and ionic charge is not only legible, but also audible!

Examples :

To be able to unmistakably deduce the oxidation number of a covalently bonded atom, the displacement of binding electrons (rule of play) has to be applied to the molecule's or the ion's Lewis representation.
For I2 the Lewis notation becomes :after assignment of the binding electrons and the O.N.(I) will be 0, since the group number of I is seven and the number of valency electrons in an ionic representation of the covalent bond is seven as well:
group number 7 - 7 valency electrons = 0.



Below is a schematic diagram of the deduction of these oxidation numbers:

After the introduction of the concept "oxidation number of an atom" it is understandable that one began to use "oxidation-reduction reactions" or "redox reactions" as general names for electron transfer reactions.
When in a particle the O.N of an atom increases due to the release of (valency) electrons, it is said that this atom is being oxidized and that the particle as a whole acts as a reductor. The released electrons will be absorbed by an(other) atom into a(nother) particle. It is then said that the atom is being reduced and that the particle as a whole acts as an oxidant.


All electrons which are released by a reductor in a redox reaction have to be absorbed by the oxidant. Therefore, the stoichiometric figures of the oxidant and the reductor in a redox reaction have to be filled in.
The symbols Red and Ox stand for "reduced form" and "oxidised form" respectively.

In this reaction equation of a redox reaction, ARed or Red1 and AOx or Ox1 - by analogy with acid base reactions - can be called the conjugated oxidant-reductor pairs.
This is also valid for BOx or Ox2 and BRed or Red2

Further on, on illustration R5, we will see that this fundamental balance reaction, whether self-sustaining or not, mainly progresses from the direction of a relatively strong reductor and a relatively strong oxidant towards a weaker oxidant and a weaker reductor.
Certain techniques which are applied in class to deduce the stoichiometric values of a redox reaction are often based on the application of the oxidation number accounting. Nevertheless, the usual atom balance method is applicable to most redox reactions as well.

Electronegative values

The ability of an atom to attract the electrons of a covalent bond is measured by the electronegativity of the atom. An atom of high electronegativity will attract electrons away from one of lower electronegativity.

There are several electronegativity scales. In the Pauling electronegativity scale fluorine is given the value of 4.0 and the other elements are allotted values based on their electronegativities relative to fluorine.

Put in another way, the electronegativity of an element expresses on an arbitrary scale the relative attraction of one of its atoms for the electrons of a single covalent bond formed with an atom of another element.

Pauling electronegativities are given for selected elements in illustration R4.

Dealing with redox reactions we saw that the deduction of oxidation numbers is very important.

Therefore, a good ready knowledge of the electronegative value of certain elements is just as important as the knowledge of their electron configuration (number of valency electrons). Besides, memorizing these values is very simple: For Li, 1.0 applies as Electronegative Value and up to F an increment equal to 0.5 applies; from K to CI an increment equal to 0.3 applies, except for the last two elements S and CI.
In this scale the Electronegative Value of H is 2.1.
Hydrogen is therefore not a metal, but a non-metal!