ST19 An example of a gas chromatogram obtained by gas chromatographic analysis

Aim:Explain analysis possibilities with the help of gas chromatography .

Illustration ST19 shows an example of a chromatogram of the aromas in wine. The overview that follows has been limited to a summary of identified compounds only. Each peak on the chromatogram represents a different substance; the area under the peak is indicative of the quantity of that substance present in wine. This method is very sensitive: as little as one nanogram of a compound can be detected.
(This is 10-9 or 1/1 000 000 000 of a gram).
From the chromatogram we can deduct that a complex mixture of volatile products is responsible for wine’s bouquet..


Some of the compounds present in wine:
cyclopentane, 1-ethanal, ethylethanoate, ethanol, 2-methylpropanol, 1-butanol, 2-methlypropylethanoate, ethylbutanoate, ethyl-2-butanoate, ethly-2-methlybutanoate, benzaldehyde, limonene, 1-hexanol, ethylhexanoate, etc..

The following compounds are indicated on the chromatogram