
DIDAC is now in its third year!

This new series of educational illustrations, DIDAC-3, handles three topics from the secondary education chemistry syllabus.

The original stimulus for the DIDAC series was the coincidence in 1994 of the 75th anniversary of IUPAC and the 100th anniversary of the Gevaert company.

DIDAC-1 was envisaged as an educational (and amusing) resource for secondary chemistry education.
The success of the first series encouraged us to introduce DIDAC-2 one year later, in September 1995. To meet better the needs of our target audience, this second series was prepared in collaboration with an inter-university group, comprising staff from a number of Flemish university departments of education.

This is now the third series, and DIDAC seems to be becoming a tradition. This series has again been produced by the editorial group at Agfa-Gevaert N.V. in co-operation with professors from university education-departments and secondary school personnel. They have made a considerable contribution to the realisation of this series and we at Agfa-Gevaert N.V. would like to express our sincere thanks to them .

Agfa-Gevaert N.V. is an “Advanced Chemistry” company, and as such believes that the future of the chemical industry in Western countries lies in producing high added-value products. This will only be possible if our intellectual resources, that most valuable raw material, is developed to the maximum. This series is therefore intended as an aid to all those involved in this ongoing challenge, in particular to secondary school chemistry teachers.

June 2000.

René Peeters
Former Director, Agfa-Gevaert N.V.