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Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS)

2000-2001 membership

Titulars Members

Prof. Tomislav Cvitas (1996-2001)

Dr. W. Val Metanomski

Prof. Herbert L. Strauss (1996-2001)
Physical Chemistry Division
Prof. Rudolf Metselaar (1994-2001)
Inorganic Chemistry Division
Dr. Warren H. Powell (2000-2001)
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Division
Prof. Aubrey D. Jenkins (1996-2001)
Macromolecular Division
Prof. John W. Lorimer (1996-2001)
Analytical Chemistry Division
Prof. Stephen E. Schwartz (1998-2001)
Chemistry & the Environment Division
Prof. Xavier Fuentes-Arderiu (1998-2001)
Chemistry & Human Health Division

Associate Members

Prof. Jeremy Frey (2000-2001)
Physical Chemistry Division
Dr. James B. Casey (1998-2001)
Inorganic Chemistry Division
Prof. Henri A. Favre (1994-2001)
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Division
Prof. Koichi Hatada (1998-2001)
Macromolecular Division
Dr. David S. Moore (2000-2001)
Analytical Chemistry Division
Dr. Heinz Behret (1998-2001)
Chemistry & the Environment Division
Prof. C. Robin Ganellin (1998-2001)
Chemistry & Human Health Division

Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
Dr. Terry J. Quinn

International Organization for Standardization
Dr. Anders J. Thor

International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Prof. Richard Cammack

International Union of Crystallography
Prof. S. C. Abrahams

International Union of Nutritional Sciences
Prof. Joyce Beare-Rogers

International Union of Pharmacology
Prof. C. Robin Ganellin

International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
Dr. Brian W. Petley

(dates indicate the term when first elected as a member of the COMMITTEE)

Page last modified 21 January 2000
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