CG13 EIA: clinical analysis using enzymes

Aim: Application of immunochemistry and enzymology in modern clinical analytical techniques.

It is possible to determine low concentrations of compounds in biological fluids using the selectivity of immunological techniques, coupled to enzymatic colour-forming reactions. These EIA (Enzymze Immuno Assays) can be carried out using the competitive ELISA method (among others) described below.


The method works as follows:
the test substance is called the "antigen" (Ag), the antigen marked with enzyme is called AgE, and the antibody of this antigen is called Al.

A known quantity of AgE and an unknown (to be determined) quantity of unmarked antigen Ag are simultaneously brought into contact with a limited quantity of antibody, Al, which is bonded to a solid carrier.

AgE and Ag compete to bind to the antibody.

After equilibration the non-bonded antigen is rinsed off.
The enzyme substrate is added, forming a product that can be assayed using a colourimeter.

Results: much unknown Ag, little AgE binds, so very little coloured product; little Ag, much AgE binds, much coloured product.

If the colour reaction is calibrated, he concentration can be determined.