CG01A Biomolecules and life

Aim: To give an overview of the various biomolecules that are important to a living organism.

The human organism is made up of a large number of biomolecules that can be divided into main groups according to their structure and properties :

  • water, H2O (60%)
  • minerals such as CaCO3, NaCl and KCl
  • lipids including triglycerides, phospholipids and steroids
  • sugars and polysaccharides including glucose and glycogen
  • amino acids and proteins
  • nucleic acids.


These compounds are presented in the form of representative diagrams, and their formulæ.

In DIDAC-4, section Biopolymers, sugars and polysaccharides, amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids were dealt with in depth. In the following illustrations lipids are discussed.