Chemistry International
Vol. 22, No.3, May 2000

2000, Vol. 22
No. 3 (May)
..Chemistry in Slovenia
..News from IUPAC
..Reports from Symposia
..New Projects
..New Books
..Letter to the Editor
..Reports from Commissions
..Provisional Recommendations
..Conference Announcements


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Chemistry International
Vol. 22, No. 3
May 2000

New Projects


Chemists in the developing world are faced with globalization of the economy, and regulatory chemists and lab managers need to be aware of the latest official methods of analysis. Because Africa is engaged in many heavy mining projects, it is anticipated that at least five African countries will be involved in reviewing environmental chemistry activities related to mining. Ten officials of five different chemical societies in Africa have all stated that their largest pollution problems with air, water, food, and soil stem from mining.
IUPAC has approved a project to improve and validate a method based on thin-layer chromatography with prior immunoaffinity cleanup for the determination of aflatoxins in corn, peanuts, figs, pistachios, and paprika. This method is intended to be used as an alternative to high-performance liquid chromatography, especially in developing countries. For that reason, mainly laboratories from developing countries are to be involved in validating the method

The chemistry of reactions and functionalization of polymers has received great attention during the last two decades. Many preparation processes of basically and industrially important reactive and functional polymers are carried out through the reactions of linear or cross-linked polymeric reactants and the introduction of reactive, catalytic, or some functional groups into polymer chains.




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