I  U  P  A  C


The Strategy Development and Implementation Committee (SDIC) was established by the IUPAC Executive Committee (EC) on April 7, 1997 as an ad hoc committee with the charge given below and instructions to report to the EC before its meeting in April 1998. Members of the SDIC were appointed by the President of IUPAC, as described below. This document constitutes the final report by the SDIC in fulfillment of its mission.

Formation of the SDIC



Charge to the SDIC


Committee Meetings

Background. During 1996 and 1997 the Officers of IUPAC undertook efforts to solicit opinions from the worldwide chemistry community on the future role of IUPAC. Out of the conferences held in the USA in June 1996 and in London in February 1997 (later reinforced by the conference held in Singapore in June 1997), there emerged many specific ideas for future developments of the Union, but there were three overriding major points: (i) IUPAC needed to develop an updated Mission in order to regain relevance to the international community of chemistry and the chemical industry; (ii) the Objectives given in IUPAC Statute 1 should be augmented by specific, achievable Goals; and (iii) IUPAC should broaden the geographic base of the Union's activities to achieve its full potential as a global organization. These concepts formed part of the underpinning of the statutory Vice-President's Critical Assessment (VPCA), and Vice-President Jortner proposed a number of specific goals. In April 1997 the EC endorsed the general thrust of these proposed goals but recognized that they needed to be considered carefully and fleshed out into a Strategic Plan for the Union.

Meanwhile, the organization and management of IUPAC's scientific work had been the subject of extensive discussion and debate within the Union over a period of several years. There was general recognition that the relatively static Commission structure is outdated and that it is inadvisable to spread IUPAC's limited resources among seven Divisions and 37 Commissions, which attempt to carry out nearly 500 projects concurrently. Various proposals had been advanced for restructuring Divisions and Commissions, and great efforts had gone into developing a scientific policy for the Union. Options for restructuring and for allocating resources by project were discussed in detail at the annual Division Presidents meeting in September 1996 and at a special meeting of Division Presidents and Vice-Presidents in March 1997. It was clear that the Divisions wanted and needed more flexibility in managing their programs. Against this background, the Secretary General prepared a paper for the EC meeting in April 1997 that advocated an emphasis on funding projects that would be carried out primarily by time-limited Commissions. After much discussion, the EC endorsed this concept but recognized that the proposed major changes in the organization and management of the Union's scientific work needed considerable further study and analysis.

The EC decided, therefore, that the separate but related issues of formulating long-range goals and strategies and of implementing the management changes needed to achieve the goals could best be addressed by a single broad-based ad hoc committee, the SDIC.

Charge to the SDIC

The charge to the SDIC is as follows:

1. Develop long-range goals or mission statements, based initially on the recommendations in the 1997 Vice-President's Critical Assessment.

2. Propose strategies for achieving these goals.

3. Examine the feasibility of converting the bulk of IUPAC's scientific work to a project-driven system, with time-limited Commissions, as expressed in the concept endorsed by the EC.

4. Propose specific means by which this concept (if found feasible) can and should be implemented, with desirable target dates.

The SDIC is to report to the EC in time for its meeting in April 1998.


To assure that all facets of the Union's programs would be considered by the SDIC, its membership was drawn broadly - two IUPAC Officers, two Elected Members of the Bureau, one Standing Committee chairman, two Presidents-elect of Divisions, and three outstanding chemists not currently in IUPAC posts but who are familiar with the Union's activities. President Fischli accordingly appointed the following members:

 Prof. Joshua Jortner (chairman)  Dr. Edwin D. Becker
 Prof. Heindirk tom Dieck  Prof. Mostafa El-Sayed
 Prof. Robert Gilbert  Prof. Upendra K. Pandit
 Dr. Alan Hayes  Prof. Pieter Steyn
 Prof. Leiv K. Sydnes  Prof. Andrea Vasella

Dr. John W. Jost (staff support)

A secondary, but important, consideration was geographic diversity. The SDIC members come from North America, the Asia-Pacific area, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. Appendix 1 gives institutional affiliation and IUPAC office (if applicable) for each member of the SDIC.

Committee Meetings

The SDIC has held three full-day meetings (June 24, 1997; November 21, 1997; and January 24, 1998) and a short meeting at the General Assembly in Geneva (August 25, 1997). Participation was excellent. Although not all members could attend every meeting, an average of eight of the ten members were present at each meeting, and absentees frequently sent written comments in advance. All members contributed actively to the discussions, and a great many ideas were exchanged by e-mail. The findings and recommendations given here represent the result of ideas obtained from many sources, which were subjected to careful analysis and much friendly debate within the Committee.

The SDIC members were quite sensitive to input from many sources outside the Committee. Comments and ideas from the Division Presidents meetings listed above and at the General Assembly in Geneva were important. Views expressed by Bureau and Council members in Geneva and by Commission officers and members during a number of informal meetings provided valuable sources of information. The semi-final draft of the Strategic plan was circulated to the Bureau for comments, and several suggested improvements in wording were subsequently incorporated into the final version.

Executive Summary
Formation of the SDIC
Strategic Plan
Organization and Management of Scientific Work
Responsibilities of Division Committees
Election of Division Committees and Division Officers
Project-Driven System
Conversion to a New Project-Driven System
Operation of a Project-Driven System
Evaluation of Projects
Role of the Secretariat
Financial Considerations
Summary of Recommendations on Organization and Management
Summary of Formal Actions Required
Concluding Statement
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4


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Page last modified 5 October 1998.
Copyright © 1997, 98 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

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