S03 - S04 Electronegativities of the elements

Aim: To give the electronegativity values for the elements.

Electronegativity is defined by Pauling as: “the power of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself”. The values given in overlay illustration S3 are those estimated by Pauling's method. [see references (1) and (2)].
The colour coding on illustration S4 gives a simple and rapid overview of the progression of the electronegativity values through the table. The trends can be easily seen, electronegativity falls as we go down a group (column) or go across a period (row) from left to right.



The markings on the illustration allow the student to transfer the colours onto a black and white copy after the lesson.

1) L. Pauling, The nature of the chemical bond.
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York (1960).
2) L. Pauling, General chemistry, Freeman, San Francisco (1970).